In 2012, the US Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) released a data report for suicides among Veterans and active military members. The total numbers indicated that an average of 22 die by suicide every day. 22KILL was started in 2013 with a mission to raise awareness to this number when we started the 22pushup challenge.

We are well aware that there are debates about the accuracy of this number, and there is certainly validity to the argument. A recent report from 2022 with more accurate data shows that the average is actually 17.6.

22 was simply a number that our mission was based upon. We continue to use that number to raise awareness to the fact that a problem exists. The fact is that suicide and PTS are not just veteran issues. The harsh reality is that there are over 120 suicides per day in the U.S., and we as Americans need to educate ourselves and be willing to open ourselves up to address the issues.

Why the name "22KILL"? In 2012, the US Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) released a data report for suicides among veterans and active military members. The total numbers indicated that an average of 22 die by suicide every day. 22KILL was started in 2013 with a mission to raise awareness to this number.